Friday, May 28, 2004

Pikachu, Pulex and Pizza Trees.

OK, So I'm too old for Poke`mon. still cant help but admit that i could spend hours in front of the Telly to watch these pocket monsters. With days my interest with one particular Yellow monster has grown...he is the star of the Poke`mon's, Pikachu! For days now I have been trying to decipher Pikachu's (see below *rolls eyes)language. His pokemon master Ash, dreams of becoming the worlds greatest poke`mon master. Is there any competetion?? Do you guys know of anyone challenging this guy? Well, anyway pikachu and Ash are inseperable..and i've noticed that as I sit watching Toonami that everytime something exciting happens or Ash wins a poke`mon fight, Pikachu goes "Pika, Pika, Peeeekaa...Pikachuuuuuuuuuuu..." really, I mean whatever is that??!! I've tried looking up the Dictionary and came across one for real!! now aint that smart??

chukchi - n.what a Pikachu says when it sneezes. Ex. "Chukchi!" "Aw...wittle Pikachu made a sneezles...NOW DIE!!!" hmmmph!

Also I came across these words::
pulex - n. a condom used for cleaner masturbation :0 *blinks*
pizza tree - n. a tree with pizza growing off it *Off to buy Pizza seeds to grow me self one*


At 6:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't get these pocket monsters either...! And they come in all horrible shapes... But it's fun to watch them.. some crazy dude came up with this idea and half the kiddo's watching Cartoon Network are hooked!


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