Sunday, May 30, 2004

What Are You?

What are you
If You were not YOU
A few minutes ago?

Just Susan.....?


At 4:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In abstract, the individual is described as an atom, perhaps a quark, existing at different points in time with an exclusive character attributable to the physique of which those particles are in. With quantum theory applied, its more even vague to state the metaphysical existence of indiduality (or the dual co/non-existence of animal and person).

Susan, that would be a fair description of inanimate matter through the fourth dimension. But being a human, you are more complex. You can relate yourself between these time frames in regard to people, places and things. A memory is only one agent of this realisation. You will be the same person. Regardless of the continuity of memory or perception of past experiances, a person (individual human as an animal being) is the same. Although the person might choose to believe that s/he is different after having gone through a certain experiance (religious, emotional etc), physical change (appearance, accident etc) or even a mental transformation (active to vegetative state or back round), the person remains the same. For one to decide it oneself, however would give a different meaning. However knowing that this is the case you cannot force your mind to accept an irrational assertion.

Your mentality is still very much intact Susan. You are Susan. You will be the same person.

a friend/foe
whatever else I once was
I am now even more

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Ali Hasen Didi ( aka murder) said...

haadhaa thafseeley dho :S


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