Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Office Ordeals


Forty percent of the telly addicts in the office spends their time getting drunk on puke that DhiTV like media throws up from the TV downstairs... Ten percent of them spends time frantically loading and reloading credit to their pre-paids and forwarding mass messages that has nothing to do with anything... if they aren't forwarding hoax messages, they are at a coffee break where they moan about how everything is so expensive and they have nothing left in their pockets at the end of the month to pay their bills... yada yada yada...

Ten percent is hardcore and anything they say or others say or do is always associated with their party and they religiously follow their Reeko's and Mahlouf's on the Internet social networks, media and speeches recorded on Cd's. These guys also spend 70 percent of their time in bullying the geeks in their department, to join their party or sticking some bull petition under their noses every other day... These geeks, who, apart from watching Hentai, spends their time playing Red Alert, chat with faceless MSN girls, also does a bit of IT.

Twenty percent of the guys/ girls are on their office phones 60 percent of the time with each other or with another, getting connected romantically or breathing heavily down the phone... their cubicles reek of amateur phone sex, after lunch hours...

The other twenty percent consists of Wahaabee extremists who has Shaikh Fareed recitals of Quran playing in volume two on their desktops, Zakir Nike video's playing on silent mode, on YouTube whilst they sit almost invisible in their cubicles, their eyes following the movement of the chests on all the girls in the office including the big buxom cleaning lady who shares her varicose veins malady with anyone who has an ear to lend... Apparently, according to some reliable sources, some of them operates shady business with the maintenance guys, selling them Viagra, Parachute oil, Marlboro cologne (Now WTF is that???), etc etc...

And then there is me, and a few others who spend 40 percent on Facebook, Twitter, Flicker and Blogspot... Writing, researching, posting, bugging and what not...

I wonder at this rate, how the office actually runs... Not on Parachute Oil for sure... =/ Quotes