Thursday, May 27, 2004

What Is Love?

Susan In Search of Love!

What my friends say about their own words
. Please keep posting your comments...I will upgrade this regularly.

"Love is the essence of Life.
It is pain accepted and pleasure given and recieved
It is a sign on the sand easily erased by waves of deception
love is a look, a gaze in your direction witnessed by the sun
love is sleeping beside you while you keep watch
love is everything you remeber when you wake up together
love is a fall stopped in motion by a sigh that escapes through your lips
love is living with your eyes open.."

-Ahmed Naseer Aka Bondhu, G. Fithuroanuvilla- (The Romantic Poet, Artist who changed my Life for the better and left a lasting impression with his words and brush strokes)

"Love is an irresistible desire, to be irresistibly desired.."

-Aixaan- (My Sweet Sis, Angel Aie aka Xy)

"love is what u get at the core when u peel away the layers of sex, lust, and anything ephemeral...its the basic passion that wants to make u be with a person long after the adoration has died and the beauty faded"

-Shama- (B1tch with a brain)

"Its not difficult, its qualia, sensations...its a feeling, its a simulation of the senses, a chemical reaction, the results of which are different for each and every one"

-eudaimonia- (bespectacled phil student)

"Love means fun. love means being stupid. love means more sleepless nights. love makes u is a religion which you wanna show your faith and want someone else to be faithful to as well. its cantankerous to define it. and in short its just a mutual understanding between two poeple. i do not believe one person can be in love...hard to construe what i have to say, but its somewhat along the lines..."

-D0t- (Shafraax The D0traax From Madraax) Another bespectacled Multi Media Geek is where he rulez-

"love is a figment of ur imagination..a foolish word some poet came up with to sum up his feelings and need of/for a woman...basically what ur saying is can i fuck u till u die"?

-Ali Hassan Didi aka XTC, M.Manel- (he says Phone disconnected) :S

"It's just a myth to keep us going .. u know to make us beleive that there is something to live for.. and in the end we kinda make ourselves beleive that this is as good as its gets.."

-Schanu- (Med bird)

Parents Don't Practice Democracy.

Sane politicians say that the grass roots of Democracy starts from your family. Who ever thought that your parents practiced democracy at home? "It is not a democracy, you dont vote whether or not you want to do something, when parents tells you to do it, you do it, whether you like it or not." That's right Mother, its not a democracy. Its a tyranny, all ran by someone deemed head of this small tyranny of a government inside of a half democracy, dictatorial government, cleverly named "Father," and his Underlings called "Mother" and "Big Brother" or "Big Sis". I myself had not had too good of an experience with "Mother." I was banned from going out with "noted" friends for five consecutive life sentences. Of course, you see, that these guys have power, and know how to abuse it. You are only glad you are out of there.. (If you ever managed to get out)If I go in there one more time and stay there, I'd get a referral for disobedience. What am I? A pet? Pets get punished for disobedience?!! Democracy my foot! Its a bloody conspiracy!

"Drug education does NOT work"!

Now the latest thingy doing the rounds..."Drug education does NOT work"! If anything, drug education is HELPING the drug dealers sell their drugs. Sure, students become aware of the drugs and what they do. Yeah, they become aware what there is for them to CHOOSE.

Drug education probably would help more if they didn't say the "good" things that addicts feel or if they taught them at an earlier age. But NoOoO most still insist on only teaching us. What the hell is with that? They probably suppose that we're not worth to keep teaching about not doing drugs because the police/ Narcotics can't spare an extra few people, train few councilors or hire a few new people specifically for the job, or maybe they'd rather just find us on the street with wrapping papers in our pockets, a needle in our arm, and a Ziploc bag full of cocaine and lock us up for a long time, so that the government can gain control of the next generation one by one.

You shouldn't hate drug dealers anymore than people that sell guns, because they're just supplying the demand for their particular product. They're only trying to make a living, just like everyone else in the world. They both sell things that ultimately hurt people, the only thing that separates the two is a constitutional amendment. When it all comes down to it, it's the school's fault for not teaching us about drugs sooner. But past mistakes will spawn more drugs in demand and more drug dealers, because of the schools. This will NEVER be a drug-free world. Might as well pick up your pipe and smoke some coke. bayyeh huvaa! Will there ever be an end to this?? sad...


God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things
I cannot change,
Courage to change
The things I can,
And the wisdom
To know the difference.

Simple and Lovely...Just want to share this with all.

"Just One Life"

"I did not know you, our lives never touched
Till the day they gathered to bid you farewell
And they painted your picture, and as I looked around,
I felt I saw you in their words and their sound...

"...Your life gave them a treasure, a piece of themselves,
Something to carry, and it still serves them well...

"...And what you've left behind you, and what swept over me,
Says that your life's world grows on and on,
a piece of eternity..."

A Little Bit Of Craziness.


A poem I wrote on 14th August. My crazy views of the beginning and end of love. Want to say so much and yet cannot. It does get to me sometimes! When i really want to express myself...hmmmph! Its one of those morning after- well, sleepless, back-breaking night in front of the bloody PC. better get back to the coffee thats already turned cold. Did I say it's one of those days yet? :p

Of Shipwrecked Heroin and Floating Bullets.

Thursday, May 27, 2004
Heroin bullets washed ashore.
A vast amount of heroin bullets gets washed onto the beach of Villingilli. The bullets were neatly packed into water proof jackets. A massive police operation is underway to remove these nasty items from the friendly beach's of Villingilli. Some people had already run away with some of the items. The police thinks they had recovered nearly Rf 1.4 million worth of heroin. It is believed to be a smuggling operation gone really bad.

posted by faraz @ 5/27/2004 05:14:57 AM
check out his blog

The above news was posted by my colleague Faraz here. This news didnt come as a shock to me rather but cracked me up big time. I mean " Heroine Bullets washed ashore on a sandy beach"??! An obvious smuggling racket gone stale! With the cops wading knee deep on the surrounding Villingili lagoon whilst the rest of the "Heroin Hunters" dove, occasionaly coming up with handful of "ship wrecked bullets" worth 1.4 million or more is a scene more fitting for a Mario Puzo Movie. Now, whoever can keep the correct statistics of floating bullets?? :o this sounds more like a scene from a Rushdie paperback! One wonders whether bullets will pop up days after all this furor is over and done with! Next thing you know they will announce that the sea is off-limits to the public. Concerned parents would not allow their kids to go swimming incase they come home high on floating bullets!:S Last heard, that most of the local dudes got away with the "loot" before the cops came crashing in on the scene and took over. Sad to say, Not that we have a lack of heroin supply in the Maldives. :S

This surely gonna give parents the jeepers creepers and the regime occasional bouts of insomnia! I seriously think that Robinson Crusoe would give anything to be shipwrecked on Villingili right now. goodness! I can imagine the festive atmosphere in Villingili right now! Its really ironic that of all places the bullets chose to land in Villingili and not in Male'. Floating bullets or not we Maldivians never cease to surprise eachother with these sorta atrocities. This really cracks me up *guffaws*

Passion Fruit Trees and Sugar Free Vows.

Tonight I've come across someone (yeah, one of those MSN nights...) who thinks that I'm lucky 'cos my gramma had a Passion Fruit Tree at her place when i was growing up...OK. She prolly never seen one. Fact is, she is on a sugar free diet and i told her that i could make a mean Home-made Passion Fruit Jam. (gave the whole recipe)Yummy!! that did it! she broke her sugar free vow and attacked a mix fruit jam bottle left who knows for how many days in her fridge... :S literally eating out from it!

I like to think myself as on a sugar free diet. but my sweet tooth wont give me a chance to stick by it. pathetic really. I need "Will" and "Determination" in high dozes to over come this! or is it depression??! now, that's something else all together!! Scarey thought!

what have u guys in your fridge? i feel hungry! aaww! I can almost hear the CORRS singing from somewhere in my tummy with their violins... :S

*sigh* more about blogs...

English allows its devotees to mutate the language, so they shorten, convert word type and so forth. It starts as slang, but then it gets changed to a figure of speech and before anyone knows it, it's part of the standard lexicon.

Blog is also a verb, "to blog" means to post whatever events that occur, plus perhaps their import or impact to the poster. *rolls eyes*

It's frowned upon in the forums, but everybody does it.

Blog?! and the word Vicariously... ;)

This came Blog thingy came from Drew:

Blog is short for 'web log'. Like an online diary, where people post the mundane events of their life in the mistaken belief that other people give a damn. They're mostly read by people without lives of their own who are looking to live vicariously.

Drew, thanks for the insight :p and he goes on to give me a lesson or two on the word "vicariously"...

he gives an example:: "Say I was a race car driver, and described to you a race I was in. You then picture yourself as the race car driver in that situation. That's living vicariously." yeah Drew I've done that a couple of times, not the racing thingy though.

With A Grain Of Salt Or two - Pass this by me :S

Eachday I wake up to something new. Today I feel like an idealistic social dreamer. With an urge to solve the people problems of my world. Ahh! The goal! Me the social reformer who wants everyone to be happy in a world that I can visualize. I feel shamefully sentimental today...exceptionally perceptive about the woes and needs of humankind. Do I have the understanding and skill to readily conceive and implement the solutions to My perceptions?? Oh blimey! On the positive side, I am creatively persuasive, charismatic and ideologically concerned. Boy! I hope these Ideologies last longer... *rolls my eyes* On the negative side, I may be unrealistically sentimental, scattered and impulsive, as well as deviously manipulative. Come to think of it! Don't I sound like the Dictator?? Morning! tell me this is just a dream, wanna go back to my pillows and ma teddy bear (I feel a lot safer when my brain is not active and i feel im one with a stuff toy) Atleast he doesnt yap or snore!. *snooze*

Bothers me really!

What happens when everyones overriding goal is to win? You approach each task or situation as a contest to be won strategically and efficiently. Because you can control your feelings, it is not unusual for you to charm, as well as successfully delegate tasks and responsibilities to the more emotional types. You are often concerned with what's in it for you...whats with everyone?? I mean it really do suck to know that there is a bit of that in everyone of us...cant get rid of it that easily.. Quotes