Friday, May 28, 2004

What's In A Name?

Im Bored..
Ok, Here is a list of Names starting with the letter "A" and its meaning. I hope I do justice. I mean to do the whole Alphabet. I hope I spelled that correct..anyway lets go on with the names...starting with "A". Don't complain If you dont find your name in the list...cos these are my fav names.

*Ahmed - is smart and quiet
(Common nicks for this name:: Ammadey, Ahammaa, Ammadhu, Ammuju, Dhonbilaih, Ahammadhooooo...)

*Adam - is loud and obnoxious
(Common nicks for this name:: Aadhanu, Aadhaney, Dum- note: not "dumb"- and last not the least "BRIGEY")

*Ali - is small and holmley (Common nicks for this name:: Ayya, Alikoi, Aleee -Note::This might go on forever if u dont put a duct tape on the mouth-) *sighs*

*Adhil - is nice (until you get to know them)
(Common nicks for this name:: Just Hakatha)

*Aiman - is funny and has lots of friends (Common nicks for this name:: Simon from the famed Simon and Garfunkle Duo)

Next on What's In A Name.."B" ;)

Pikachu, Pulex and Pizza Trees.

OK, So I'm too old for Poke`mon. still cant help but admit that i could spend hours in front of the Telly to watch these pocket monsters. With days my interest with one particular Yellow monster has grown...he is the star of the Poke`mon's, Pikachu! For days now I have been trying to decipher Pikachu's (see below *rolls eyes)language. His pokemon master Ash, dreams of becoming the worlds greatest poke`mon master. Is there any competetion?? Do you guys know of anyone challenging this guy? Well, anyway pikachu and Ash are inseperable..and i've noticed that as I sit watching Toonami that everytime something exciting happens or Ash wins a poke`mon fight, Pikachu goes "Pika, Pika, Peeeekaa...Pikachuuuuuuuuuuu..." really, I mean whatever is that??!! I've tried looking up the Dictionary and came across one for real!! now aint that smart??

chukchi - n.what a Pikachu says when it sneezes. Ex. "Chukchi!" "Aw...wittle Pikachu made a sneezles...NOW DIE!!!" hmmmph!

Also I came across these words::
pulex - n. a condom used for cleaner masturbation :0 *blinks*
pizza tree - n. a tree with pizza growing off it *Off to buy Pizza seeds to grow me self one* Quotes